Blogging is always a gamble. When you click the ‘Publish’ button, you are putting yourself out there, boldly stating your story, opinion and emotions. Inevitably, the doubt creeps in: Will people think it is dumb? Cliche? Uninteresting? Boring? The list goes on. Blogging makes you so vulnerable. And when you go the extra step to post it to Facebook, well you may as well post a naked picture. But then the thumbs up, shares and comments come pouring in and you are reminded once again that you are not alone in your thoughts and feelings.
Yesterday’s post was one of those glorious days. Little did I know the frenzy that my once anonymous blog would create on the social media stratosphere. Facebook SMASHers came together and voiced their distain for Woman’s Fitness Center’s body bashing boards.
Woman’s Fitness Center, if you are reading this, here are just a FEW comments from yesterday. They are all from your ‘target’ audience:
“Agree! I cringe when I see the billboard about “ditching the bat wings”
“Instead of downsizing our thighs, let’s SUPERSIZE our health, humanity and authenticity.”
“As much as I love the fitness center, I agree with you. They blew this one incredibly.”
“The negative messages that we are inundated with on a daily basis won’t change unless we demand change.”
“Agreed! And the “Banish the Batwings” one on Highland Rd – Couldn’t believe it”
“Well said. A far cry from their “I am healthy” “I am Strong” campaign. #fail”
“There is another one about thighs. I hate those billboards”
“Wow! I haven’t seen these two but I did see “Banish Batwings” on Perkins & I’m just now realizing how focused I’ve been on the back of my arms!!! Maybe it’s that billboard!! Thanks for sharing.”
“I agree, these ads annoy me. I’m glad to hear that other people share the feeling. It is a great gym and it pushes wellness … I just don’t see how this matches the goal of the gym.”
“Yeah, these billboards for a Baton Rouge women’s fitness center are pretty terrible.”
“It’s hard enough trying to set a good example for my 11 year old, without having billboards stating otherwise.”
As I drove home yesterday evening, I caught the last board I was missing. Without thinking I sharply turned on two wheels into the parking lot to snap the shot…
So I decided to do a little photoshopping and I think I like mine better…
July 8, 2015 at 2:41 amtrue, blogging is like gambling…but you never how helpful your information can be to someone out there…