Eleven Years Later and Still RecoveringToday marks eleven years in eating disorder recovery for me. December 14, 2010, I walked through the doors of residential treatment scared, hopeless and…Continue Reading →
The Scale that Almost Divided UsSomething happened yesterday that jarred me… As I unwrapped and loaded scales in boxes for our Alliance for Eating Disorders NOT ONE MORE walk…Continue Reading →
Happy [Grieving] Birthday to MeMaybe it is because her house is empty or maybe because it is Christmas, maybe it is because President George H. W. Bush’s funeral…Continue Reading →
Ditching the BUSY DietYesterday, I almost forgot to eat…almost. It was one of those work from your car, the hair salon and be the kids’ chauffeur kind…Continue Reading →
Because Not Even Jesus Could Do It AllThis working mom thing has been kicking my ass lately. I do my best to manage my foundation, mentoring folks in recovery, while also…Continue Reading →
Tone Your Body With Love [Not Zero Point Tacos]It is January 3rd and I have seen approximately 389,876 weight loss ads. My inner scale smasher cringes every time I see Oprah dancing in…Continue Reading →
Lucky Number SEVENToday my morning went a little something like this… 5:30am Alarm, pre-dawn emails and work to do’s 7:00am Tiny humans wake up, morning Hunger…Continue Reading →
Pardon Me While I Feed My Kids Kale and ChemicalsLast night, I posted a picture of my children enjoying ice cream sandwiches following dinner with a caption that said: “Years ago, I would…Continue Reading →
Dear Anti-Diet Community, Be NICE!To my dearest anti-diet community, I get it. I totally get that every diet post, cleanse, and celebrity detox makes your skin crawl. I. GET.…Continue Reading →
Feeling Fat on International Women’s DayToday is International Women’s Day. And I feel fat. Gasp. How could McCall Manning Dempsey, a positive body image speaker, feel fat? Oh the…Continue Reading →